What do we do when leave the shower? Of course, we wrap our locks in a towel and then… start brushing them. However, is that a right thing to do - should we brush wet hair? Isn’t a a real cause if hair breakage? Let’s find it together in this article!
The first and foremost haircare rule: don’t comb wet hair! When hair is wet, it is more elastic and vulnerable to damages. Brush bristles can pull out and break the hair, thus, it becomes thinner. Therefore, it is worth waiting for the curls to fully dry and only then gently comb them. Start the procedure from the hair ends instead of pulling them out at the roots. Hair detangling isn’t a nice process at all, thus, slowly start brushing from the hair ends in order not to damage your hair.
Choose Braé Divine Plume Sensation Serum in order to finish your hair brushing routine! This product is especially suitable for women with split hair ends. The product is an ultra-light finisher that reduces unwanted frizz and prevents split ends, leaving the hair loose, soft, and slightly shaped. Plume Sensation is a perfect addition to your anti-frizz shampoo and conditioner!